CORROSION OF REINFORCEMENT IN CONCRETE The damage to the concrete due to corrosion of reinforcement is considered to be one of the most serious problems. It is an universal problem and property worth of crores of rupees is lost every year. Due to corrosion problem in bridges, buildings and other RCC structures, India incurs heavy loss of about Rs. 1,500 crores annually. This paper deals with various causes of corrosion and remedial measures thereon. Corrosion process and mechanism : Corrosion of reinforcement steel is a complex phenomenon involving chemical, electrochemical and physical processes. When reinforcement steel rusts, the volume of iron oxide formed is 2-4 times greater than the steel corroded, which results in bursting stresses in the concrete surrounding the bar. This causes cracking, spalling and delamination of concrete. Another consequence of corrosion is reduction in cross- Sectional area of the steel at anode, thus reducing its load ca...